Healing Relaxation with Albert St Mammes Osel
In-person at the Cape Town Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist Centre
Once a month on a Sunday from 9.30am to 12.30pm
A relaxation workshop with methods to soothe and balance the nervous system. Counteracting the contractions of chronic stress helps us to be calm, clear and kind. Dress comfortably, as if for yoga.
Cost: Centre members R80 Non-members R100
Booking essential.
To book: Email Charlotte at membership@kagyu.org.za or call 021 761 2978
(In the meantime, why not visit the Medicine Buddha)
Stillness, Silence, Spaciousness
Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, South Africa
(rated among the top ten retreat centres in the world)
Albert Osel hosts a mid-winter retreat of inner refuge, connecting us to the ever-present Stillness within movement (body), the ever-present Silence behind the "narrative self" (speech), and the ever-present Spaciousness of awareness (mind).
Friday 1 to Sunday 3 August 2025
Booking essential: brcixopo.co.za